How to do business with us
As per National Treasury, all suppliers that intend doing business with any State-Owned Enterprise has to register on the National Treasury database i.e. the Central Supplier Database (CSD). Please contact (012) 406 9222 or www.csd.gov.za or [email protected] for more information.
You do not have to be a vendor to be eligible to do business with Eskom Rotek Industries. The Eskom Rotek Industries Buyer sources suppliers for all closed tenders from the CSD system. Once successful, the Procurement department will submit a request to Vendor Management to register the successful supplier. Please note no new vendors are loaded onto the database unless you are successful with either the formal or informal tender processes.
You are welcome to log onto the Eskom website and/or the National Treasury website and take part in any tender you see advertised. Click here for Eskom what’s out to tender
Vendor safety requirements
When you apply for registration on our supplier database, you will be requested to complete a Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) evaluation questionnaire, which will be assessed to determine whether you qualify for successful registration, from a SHE perspective. If you have been awarded a purchase order or contract for a physical job required, you will need a safety file with the necessary SHE compliance documentation that may include documents such as:

- Proof of a documented SHE management system
- Copy of the company’s SHEQ policy
- Proposed organogram illustrating the structure of legal appointments
- Your company incident management process
You may be expected to show medical surveillance/fitness certificates completed by a registered Occupational Health and Safety practitioner and health risk assessments for your employees that will be working on our sites. Eskom Rotek Industries may ask potential suppliers for additional safety documentation before or after a tender or purchase order are awarded, depending on the scope of work required.
Eskom Rotek Industries is certified for the following:

- Quality Management System (ISO9001: 2015)
- Environmental Management System (ISO 14001: 2015)
- Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001: 2018)
All open tenders are listed on the Eskom tender portal. Click here for Eskom what’s out to tender. Eskom Rotek Industries lives by its value of Zero Harm which means we strive to do no harm to employees, contractors, the public and the natural environment.

Payment of Vendors
After a service is delivered, payment is governed by a three-way matching process. The amount on the quotation needs to match the amount on the purchase order, which needs to match the amount on the invoice. If all these items match, you will be required to submit a statement and then payment will be processed according to the payment terms negotiated – normally 30 days after receipt of invoice.
After completion of work, please submit your invoice to [email protected] and ensure the following information is captured.
- Company Name: Eskom Rotek Industries SOC Ltd. Registration
- Number: 1990/006897/30
- VAT Number: 4330196330
- Physical Address: Lower Germiston Road, Rosherville, Johannesburg
- Postal Address: PO Box 40698, Cleveland, 2022, South Africa
Do not start work or deliver a service without a valid purchase order. If the purchase order number is not stated on the invoice or the number is incorrect, the invoice won’t be paid.